Events & Festivals Danube Cycle Path 2023

Mild summer nights on the banks of the river, villages, towns and metropolises. Naturally there are plenty opportunities to socialize and celebrate. Here is a chronological yet incomplete list of events and festivals - most are free of charge and take place outdoors. Enjoy planning your trip!

Please have a look at the German page.

Radurlaub am Bodensee - Termine und Feste am Bodensee - Friedrichshafen


1714514400|Mi, 01. Mai 24D-A-CHTag der Arbeit
1723672800|Do, 15. Aug 24Bayern-A-CHMaria Himmelfahrt
1727906400|Do, 03. Okt 24DeutschlandTag der Deutschen Einheit
1729893600|Sa, 26. Okt 24ÖsterreichÖsterreichischer Nationalfeiertag
1730415600|Fr, 01. Nov 24D-CH-AAllerheiligen